Lomi Lomi massage

From Januari 28, 2025 until Februari 4, 2024, I will take a breather myself and no massages will be given. Please take this into account when booking an appointment. Thank you for your understanding.

Lomi Lomi massage

Type of massage

Lomi Lomi is a very beautiful Hawaiian massage form that mainly involves massaging with the forearms and applying long and flowing massage movements with a generous amount of warm oil.

The massage form that I give is the Kahu Abraham Style or the Temple Style Lomi Lomi where the movements mirror the rhythms of nature, from sparkling waterfalls to powerful ocean waves.


A Lomi Lomi massage is a fairly intimate massage between giver and recipient. It helps heal, trust, let go of the body, clear emotional and mental blockages, or experience a feeling of unconditional love. The holy temple (massage room) offers a safe environment to be vulnerable, to surrender to the masseur's hands and is open enough to be who you really are.


Because a lot of oil is used, you lie on a table with an oil-resistant sheet during the massage. It is common to be naked all over the body so that the long smooth strokes over the entire body can be easily performed and the flow of the massage is not interrupted. The intimate parts of your body are neatly covered with a sheet.

Duration: +/- 120 min

Price: € 100 (massage at home + € 25)

Appointment by phone: 0032 (0)497 40 22 49

The various massages

Mindfulness relaxation massage

A full body massage with warm oil (including face and feet).
+/- 120 min - 95 Euro

This soothing massage with wonderfully scented warm oil is meant to completely relax the body and mind, restore balance and let the energy flow again.

Lomi Lomi massage

A full Hawaiian body massage with warm oil (long strokes with forearms).
+/- 120 min - 100 Euro

Lomi Lomi is a very beautiful Hawaiian massage form that mainly involves massaging with the forearms and applying long and flowing massage movements with a generous amount of warm oil.

D-Stress body massage

Full body massage with warm oil (face is excluded)
+/- 90 min - 85 Euro

During this relaxing body massage you will be massaged from head to toe with delicious scented warm oil (face is excluded).

Partial massage back-neck-shoulders-arms-face

A massage with warm oil from the back, neck, shoulders, arms and face
+/- 60 min - 70 Euro

This massage is fantastic when you don't have too much time, but you still want to feel fit and vital again.

Pregnancy massage

Massage with warm oil
+/- 100 min - 95 Euro

This massage is a very pleasant way to relieve the body that is working so hard during pregnancy.